
....and sometimes watches.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Robert Reed
Orbit Books 2001 PB 502pp

“…a sleep, sweet as Death…time traversed, and an incalculable distance…and then a splash of light emerged from the dark and the cold, its warming touch slowly explaining itself to me, showing suns and little worlds and great swirls of colored gas and angry, roaring dust…”

My delightful sister – the other delighful sister – lent this to me – as a book she bought on spec from an auther she knew nothing about.

Well, near distant future and a huge, huge, like really really big spaceship is found and Earthlings (yay) find it and colonise it and kill off every one else who wants it and turn it into a merchant passenger vessel. Humans with long, long like really really long life spans and lots of genetic enhancement so that if you die as long as your head is okay you can be rebuilt. This secret at the core of the spaceship is found and theres betrayal and lots of time passes and then theres a war and its all okay. These people live for 10’s and 10’s of thousands of years with these time frames and without pace and jeopardy a plot can quickly lag. And this plot quickly lags – not that the story is badly written or anything, but the plot suffers from being too linear and events drag out when they should be short and snappy and other interesting things are glossed over.

Read it when travelling, or sick or hung over


YAY, you are back!...i didn't want to prod.

I know what you mean about this book. As i read several books at once i had to make myself pick it up. It wasn't horrible, and bits of it were very interesting but i had other more interesting things to read at the time.

# posted by Blogger Cozalcoatl : 7:35 PM  

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